Welcome from Mr Mark Wieder

Aldryngton Primary School Headteacher

I would like to welcome you to the Aldryngton Primary School website. Hopefully, this website will give you a flavour of our outstanding community school. At Aldryngton we believe in developing the whole child. We have high academic standards, but also believe in developing personal character and the resilience required to succeed in a global society. We believe that every child is an individual and we celebrate what each child brings to our school community. Nevertheless, we also endeavour to ensure that children learn the key skills of empathy and understanding to enable teamwork.

We place an emphasis on delivering a broad and balanced curriculum, enriched by our exciting programme of extra- curricular trips, visits and clubs. Our curriculum is enquiry based and has three key drivers- reading and vocabulary; problem solving; collaboration.

Our school population is diverse and we celebrate key events and festivals of our many faiths and cultures in the school. We seek to understand one another and the impact that we have both locally and globally.
Wellbeing for the school community is important to us. Physical and mental health is focused upon and we encourage daily exercise through the daily mile as well as access to competitive sport. We also believe in the benefits of outdoor learning and carry out regular wellbeing screening and subsequent support if required. We have a designated Wellbeing Lead to support children, staff and families.

At Aldryngton, we are very fortunate to have such fantastic facilities- we have a swimming pool, large field, library, designated music, technology and computing rooms. Thanks to our PTA, we also have a large number of iPads that the children use. The school itself is located in the grounds of a former manor house and has mature trees that attract a range of wildlife.

Thank you for taking your time to read this welcome. I will look forward to sharing our wonderful school with you on one of our open days.

Mark Wieder