Welcome to Middle School
Welcome to Middle school for Years 3 & 4. The classes are called Willow, Beech and Cedar. Mrs Culham, Miss Saunders and Miss Beckett are your Middle School teachers and will support children with their development and learning across the whole curriculum in Years 3 and 4.
Meet the Team
Middle School
Mrs Julie Culham
Middle School Lead
Miss Alex Saunders
Middle School Teacher
Miss Chloe Beckett
Middle School Teacher
Mrs Avril Kiff
Mrs Katherine Daniels
Mrs Katie Maccaulay
Mrs Deepa Ayyapan
Mrs Suzanne Hepburn
Our week in Middle School
As for the rest of KS1 and KS2, our termly or half-termly topics are driven by key questions in either history or geography so enquiry and investigation skills will be needed when studying historical periods ranging from Stone Age Britain to Ancient Greece and geography topics such as earthquakes, volcanos and where our food comes from. We encourage independence and inquiry so there are often opportunities for children to follow up their own topic-related questions and interests at home.
Reading is still really important in Middle School. Although many children like to read independently by the time they get to Middle School, they are still expected to read regularly to an adult at home. They will also be asked to complete a book and will be encouraged to access Accelerated Reader e-books to supplement their reading.
Some children will also be supported in phonics and reading intervention groups if needed. Maths and English homework are set every Friday and based around spellings and learning times tables to 12×12 (at the end of Year 4, children will take the government’s Multiplication Tables Check). Spellings may be topic-related or directly from the National Curriculum lists. Children in Middle School also participate in the ‘Daily Mile’ and so will need a pair of trainers in school for every day. PE will take place on Monday afternoons.
Useful Skills for Middle School
It will be really helpful if your child is able to dress themselves quickly and independently, and are able to tie their own shoe laces. If not, please ensure they come to school with shoes with a Velcro strap until they are able to do this independently. Children also need to be responsible for their own belongings.
Reading Records need to come into school everyday
Useful websites and documents
Year 3 Books for Topics reading lists click HERE
Year 4 Books for Topics reading lists click HERE
NC Spelling appendix KS 1 & 2 click HERE
Year 3 & 4 statutory spelling list click HERE