‘Pupils need to attend school regularly to benefit from their education. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school.’

School Attendance: Statutory guidance and departmental advice, Department for Education, August 2016

Aldryngton always expects the highest attendance and punctuality from all pupils. We support pupils and their families to ensure that good attendance and punctuality is achieved. Please see the tables below to see how we describe attendance at the school and the impact of lost learning caused by absence and poor punctuality.

Attendance Description Approx. days lost per year Approx.  weeks lost per year
99-100% Excellent 0-4 Less than 1
97-98% Good 5-9 1-2
96% Satisfactory 10-13 2-3
90-95% Unsatisfactory 14-18 3-4
Below 90% Persistent Absence More than 19 More than 4
Punctuality Approx. days lost per year
5 minutes late every day 3+
15 minutes late every day 10
30 minutes late every day 19

Attendance at school is an important pre-requisite for a successful and fulfilling school career. Prolonged absence, irregular attendance and lack of punctuality can all serve to undermine educational achievement and results in considerable long-term disadvantage to children.

The Local Authority, school, parents/carers, pupils and other members of the community are expected to work collaboratively to maximise attendance.

Leave of absence is only permitted in limited circumstances. Our leave of absence form can be found on the Forms page.