Welcome to Foundation

Foundation has two classes Elm and Oak. Children engage in adult-led inputs along with free-flow play where they can access the inside and outside classrooms as they choose. We plan our topics based on the children’s emerging needs and interests and because of this, they may vary each year. We look forward to helping your child take their first steps in their learning journey at school.

Meet The Team


Miss Hannah Slade

Miss Hannah Slade


Mr Josh Gillard

Mr Josh Gillard

Foundation Teacher

Mrs Benedicte Bunney

Mrs Benedicte Bunney

Mrs Emma Jones

Mrs Emma Jones

Mrs Nusrat Ahmed

Mrs Nusrat Ahmed

Mrs Amanda Bates

Mrs Amanda Bates

Mrs Avril Kiff

Mrs Avril Kiff

Our week in Foundation

As children settle into the rules and routines, we gradually build our timetable. Children will have phonics every day in addition to other inputs in the mornings and afternoons. Much of the children’s time is spent playing in our classrooms and garden where we have many activities set up as well as allowing them to have a choice of resources. PE takes place on Tuesday afternoon in the school hall and we attend the whole school celebration assemblies on a Friday morning.  Finally, a home challenge is given to the children on Fridays. This is an optional piece of homework but we recommend children have a go at these challenges to further their learning.

Useful Documents and websites

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Oxford Owl – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Purple Mash – https://www.purplemash.com/sch/aldryngton
Education City – https://go.educationcity.com/?_ga=2.204966800.1840871188.1624191641-1992157996.1610020484
Read Write Inc,. – https://www.ruthmiskin.com/en/find-out-more/parents/