Welcome to Upper School
Welcome to Upper School, Years 5 & 6. The classes are called Juniper, Maple and Sycamore. Mrs Dunn, Mrs Woolston and Miss Stroud are your Upper School teachers, ready to help you continue your learning journey as you prepare for transition to secondary school. Upper School is an opportunity for you to get involved in the wider life of the school and to take on various roles and responsibilities. From the excitement of the Year 6 residential to organising your own stalls at fundraising events, performing in plays and developing your sports skills, there is always something to look forward to!
Meet the Team
Upper School
Mrs Emma Dunn
Upper School Lead
Mrs Nicola Woolston
Upper School Teacher
Miss Rebekah Stroud
Upper School Teacher
Mrs Luci Allen
Mrs Lucy Townend
Mrs Jane Lewis
Mrs Suzanne Hepburn
Mrs Tamzin Hanby
Our week in Upper School
Upper School is always busy and you will soon get into the routine! As well as your class teachers we also have a dedicated team of TAs whom you will quickly get to know as they work to support learning in class and intervention groups. We have Maths and English every morning with foundation subjects in the afternoons. Our termly or half-termly topics are driven by key questions in either history or geography so your enquiry and investigation skills will be needed when studying historical periods ranging from the Saxons to World War II and geography topics such as rivers and settlements. We encourage independence and inquiry so there are often opportunities for you to suggest and follow up your own topic-related questions and interests.
Reading continues to be vitally important in Upper School and you will have access to our well-stocked fiction libraries as well as reading a shared class novel.
Maths and English homework is set every Thursday and is due back the following Tuesday. Spellings are also given on a weekly basis – these may be topic-related or directly from the National Curriculum lists.
Be prepared for the Daily Mile by having trainers in school and remember that you will need PE kit with you on Wednesday and Friday. Art and DT lessons will see you building upon skills from Middle School as well as developing new ones so remember to always have an art apron in school – an old shirt will do nicely.
In addition to our everyday subjects Upper School also gives you the chance to get involved in the wise life of the school – you may choose to offer your services as a House Captain or as a lead member of the School Council, you might like to take on a role helping younger children at lunchtime or charity fundraiser days. Whatever you have to offer, you will find the Upper School will also have opportunities for you.